
People of lut
People of lut

people of lut people of lut people of lut

“Will you not fear Allah?” he said, appealing to them to reflect on their accountability to their Creator. As a result, Allah destroyed them by a severe punishment. But they ignored and rejected his appeal, and continued in their erroneous unnatural acts. And he forbade them from their indecent practice and abhorring act. Lut AS called them to heed Allah’s command and to worship Him alone, without associating any partner with Him. And it was not only some or even a majority of Lut’s AS people who engaged in such practice rather it was the entire population.Īllah in His Mercy, caused Lut AS to settle among them so they might perhaps be guided. It is reported that these people would commit perverted deeds openly in their gatherings, and they cut the access of travellers to their roadways, robbing and killing them, after perhaps first forcing them engage in unnatural acts. Although they were guilty of many vices, one stands out glaringly among all the rest – homosexuality or sodomy – they were the first people in human history to practice homosexuality. The people of Sodom were of the most immoral and insolent nature. In the region where Lut AS settled, there were 5 cities, referred to in the Qur’an as Al-Mu’tafikat (Qur’an 9:70 53:53, 69:9), meaning “the Overturned Cities”. Sodom was the largest of these. It was the main city of that region with suburbs and satellite villages, prosperous and well-populated. Lut AS went to the city of Sodom after Ibrahim AS had asked him to do so. What is evident is that as some point after his settling, Allah appointed him as prophet to communities on the shore of what is now the Dead Sea, at a distance of 24 hours’ journey from Ibrahim’s AS home. Nothing authoritative is known of Lut’s AS earlier life. Lut AS, as you will recall, left Ur with Ibrahim AS and settled in Palestine. The story of his people and the punishment they were afflicted with was a shocking incident in the life of Ibrahim AS. Prophet Lut AS was the nephew of the Prophet Ibrahim AS.

People of lut